Originating from the Oakland / San Francisco Bay area in California, Resonant Frequencies is described as a an "Electronic Music Open Mic". My first exposure to Resonant Frequencies was at Vidicon 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. Bill Wiatroski brought a broadcast studio's worth of equipment in a van while Kevin Friedrichsen and Mark Lentczner flying in to join with the production.

I rarely perform live and though I had very little equipment with me, I decided to give it a shot. The experience was wonderful - an incredible line-up, encouraging audience and top-notch production and organization. Even when the COVID-19 Pandemic brought traditional live events to a standstill they took the event online - bringing together audio and visual artists from all over the world togther.

I've been honored to have performed for them twice and hope to perform with them in the future.

  • Kevin Friedrichsen is known as "Density and Time" and his Instragram is located here.
  • Mark Lentczner's is known as "electric.kitchen" and his website is located  here.

Resonant Frequencies 021 from VIDICON 2019. This performance features visual art by Chris Konopka (link to his Instragram page).

Resonant Frequencies 031. This performance features visual art by Shawna Lee (link to her Vimeo page).